That said, we do want to bring something serious to your attention…
Bullying in any form is NOT OK.
It’s Anti-Bullying Day / Pink Shirt Day this Feb 22 and we encourage you to be extra diligent to ensure your fellow lifters feel welcome and supported - especially if they are just starting out on their fitness journey. This empathetic attitude should also extend to others outside your circle. At the end of the day - be someone who puts fires OUT instead of starting them for no reason.

What are the different types of bullying?
Bullying can come in many types and forms that aren't always obvious. Here is a list of a few types of bullying:
- Physical aggression
- Verbally threatening someone
- Backhanded compliment or mocking someone
- Leaving a rude comment online
- Excluding someone from a group
- Ignoring somebody in need
- Being overly sarcastic
- Embarrassing someone in a mean prank
- Spreading rumours behind someone's back

Why spread awareness about bullying?
Actions and words are powerful as they can change the thoughts and behavior of ourselves and others. It’s important we recognize when we negatively impact other people with our words or actions.
Bullying serves no purpose other than to selfishly make bullies feel powerful. MUTANT knows that the true way of feeling powerful comes from building discipline and mastery over your own behavior, especially when pursuing a meaningful goal like bodybuilding. By mastering your own thoughts and actions you can then positively build other people up along with you. Now THAT's something worth talking about!

MUTANT cares about community
At MUTANT we respect uniqueness and the abnormal. We celebrate those who don’t want to conform or be average. We care about camaraderie and the love of the bodybuilding sport. If you love to lift - you’re in!
Everyone has a responsibility to identify and crush bullying in any form. Do you want to be the kind of person that starts fires or one that puts them out for a better community.
Here's what YOU can do to crush bullying
- Whether you wear a pink shirt or not, take notice when you see bullying happen, and END IT.
- SHARE this article with a friend so they can spread the word too!
- ENTER our giveaway to WIN 1 of 4 Limited Edition Crush Bullying MUTANT shirts which will go live on Instagram Feb 22. Just check the post that has our pink CRUSH BULLYING fist logo, tag a few friends, and share to your story. By tagging others in our content you'll be helping them to see this message too and hopefully share it with others in their circles!