ONE NATION Ukraine Relief Update! Thank you for your tremendous support.

Back in April, we held a flash fundraiser to support relief efforts in Ukraine. On that single day alone, you helped us raise a grand total of $30,177.25 to help the victims of this unfortunate war.

Our initial intent was to donate the funds to Red Cross, but members of our community spoke out and suggested our donation might be better allocated to other charities. We took this to heart, and dug deeper to ensure we found one that we knew would use these funds to make the most impact possible.
After further research and much deliberation, our team has decided to donate the funds to the Canada Ukraine Foundation. We are confident that this charity will put these funds to good use and make a difference in the lives of those affected by the atrocities in Ukraine.
As a brand, we are honoured to take a stand with you and contribute in a small way to support our fellow people in Ukraine. Thank you again for your support in this fundraiser, and for holding us accountable. We appreciate you. We are all ONE NATION!