Summer is an epic time to build killer bodybuilder legs. And MUTANT has the most badass bodybuilder three-day split to get your legs looking incredibly thick and ready to sport those swimming trunks.
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Everybody wants to look their best for the summer. But creating an effective ab workout circuit with all the various exercises available is tricky. A big part includes developing your core so that individual abdominal muscles pop.
MUTANT has the end-all, be-all core workout that goes over our ultimate ab workout circuit, how often you should work out your abs, and which movements are worth your while. Let’s get that core summer-ready!
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MUTANT has the end-all, be-all core workout that goes over our ultimate ab workout circuit, how often you should work out your abs, and which movements are worth your while. Let’s get that core summer-ready!
Is it even possible to diet in the summer? How can you incorporate high-protein meal prep for weight loss and muscle gain during the busy warm months when social events and fun are rampant? We at MUTANT believe it’s not only possible but an absolute breeze.
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